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3 Time World Champion Surfer, Tom Curren, Officially has a Pro Model

3 Time World Champion Surfer, Tom Curren, Officially has a Pro Model

That's right! You heard that correctly...Tom Curren first walked through our doors a few years ago to tell us how much the Exile Skimboard he was riding had "changed" his surfing. He was the inspiration behind the initial SkimFin™, essentially a thicker and larger skimboard with fins that you can surf. We have always wanted to do some type of Pro Model with him, however, he didn't want to put his name on anything short of something he was completely happy with...Or at least 'happy enough' with (anyone who knows Tom knows that he's constantly modifying and changing his equipment to get a new riding experience). And here you have it!

This board features more nose rocker (3.5") in a more exaggerated curve for easier paddling and also has slightly more tail rocker at .25" to help with turning on the open face. While it still has a 'skim style' boxy rail, they are tuned down on the bottom edge to make them more forgiving overall. 

The Tom Curren Signature Pro Model SkimFin™ are constructed with Epoxy resin and reinforced with E-Glass Fiberglass around a foam core for a little more flex.

They come in one size (5'3") for just about any size rider up to about 190 lbs. (just make sure if you're approaching that weight you can paddle well and surf good conditions on a regular basis). 


5'3" x 20 5/8" x 1" <190 lbs.

Interested in a new type of surfing experience? Click on the link below and get out there!

Tom Curren Signature Pro Model SkimFin™


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